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 Farrier Industry Association Newsletter

Farrier Industry Association
2201 Regency Road
Ste #704
Lexington, KY 40503

Staff Contacts
Executive Director:
Martha Jones

Member Services Manager: Margie Brangers

2024 Board of Directors

President: Mark Hickcox
Vice President: Eric Nygaard
Secretary: Audrie Salsbury
Treasurer: John Harshbarger
Past President: Chuck Milne
Member: Erin Baayen
Member: Bobby Salsbury
Rob Michel

MemberTorri Broadus


Daylight savings time begins on March 10th!

Daylight savings time begins on March 10th!

And, boy, I cannot wait.  I always put a smiley face on this day on my calendar.  One whole extra hour of daylight in the evening makes me happy!

You will be receiving MarketPlace information in the very near future!  You will find a new MarketPlace Exhibitor Badge policy in the Exhibitor Packet.  The first booth rental will have 2 complimentary Exhibitor Badges available.  Any additional booth rentals will have 1 complimentary Exhibitor Badge available per booth.  You will still be able to purchase additional Exhibitor Badges at $75.

Keep an eye out in your mailbox and also your Inbox!  We hope you will consider being an exhibitor in Chattanooga.  As a reminder, there will be no AFA Convention in 2025 due to the 2026 AFA Convention moving to the Spring of 2026.

Please don't hesitate to contact me at any time via email or call/text me at (502) 779-1522 if you need my assistance.

Please don't hesitate to contact me at any time via or call/text me at (502) 779-1522 if you need my assistance.

FIA Progress – President’s View

March 2024

Communication keeps the FIA “in the know” about industry developments and current topics of interest. Our BOD receives phone calls every week about something developing that may be a concern or a benefit to our members. The BOD discusses potential effects to the FIA members in a committee meeting or our “new business” portion of the BOD meeting, usually both. At this point a motion or point of action is considered by the entire BOD. With manufacturers, suppliers, and farriers represented on the BOD, we use each person to see around the corners of our great industry and detect newsworthy developments.

Thank you all for giving us feedback and the opportunity to consider your points of view in this process! A passing comment often confirms a concern that one or many of our members may have on a particular topic. This is the way we stay in touch with current events. Please call the FIA office or a BOD member if you would like to relay a concern or kudos for something that is FIA related. You may see it shared right here or in the BOD meeting highlights.

Our next FIA BOD meeting in 2024 is March 20th. Here are some topics that we will discuss:

  • FIA budget items for 2024, specifically grants and advertising.
  • How will the AFA Convention/FIA MarketPlace moving to Spring in 2026 affect our FIA budget planning for 2025.
  • Last meeting, the FIA BOD discussed several industry sponsorship opportunities to display that new FIA logo. This will be discussed again next meeting.
  • Committee reports and planning for the Chattanooga 2024 site visit.

The next FIA BOD meeting is March 20, 2024.

Visit for the FIA current events and latest updates!

Mark Hickcox CF


ve a nominee for the 2024 Hall of Legends that you feel should be honored for his/her service to the industry and to our Association?  Nominees may be living or deceased. 

Please be sure that your business agrees to this nomination and that only one nominee is submitted per business.  minations are due to the FIA office by April 1, 2024.

Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Martha Jones.

Thank you for your consideration, and for helping us recognize our influential members in this special wayHALL OF LEGENDS NOMINATIONS BEING ACCEPTED


Do you have a nominee for the 2024 Hall of Legends that you feel should be honored for his/her service to the industry and to our Association?  Nominees may be living or deceased. 

Please be sure that your business agrees to this nomination and that only one nominee is submitted per business.  All nominations are due to the FIA office by April 1, 2024.

Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Martha Jones.

Thank you for your consideration, and for helping us recognize our influential members in this special way!

Click on this link to access the nomination form:

FIA Hall of Legends Nomination Form.pdf


Hall of Legends Online Nomination Form




Upon renewal, you will receive a window cling by snail mail.  Want to use the new logo on your website or business cards?  We can send you the logo digitally.  

We are so very, very fortunate for all of our members. 

Thank you to all of you for supporting us!

Welcome back to our renewed members since our last newsletter.

American Farrier Systems - Tom Heiser

Anvil Brand - Steve Hoselton

Farriers Depot - Jason Miner

Horseshoe Mart - Selina Galick

Monetta Farrier Specialties - Collins Daye

Overland Farrier Supply - Carol Gilbert

Stonewell Bodies & Machine, Inc. - Todd Mix

World Championship Blacksmiths - Christine Trnka

If you know of a company that you think might be interested in becoming a member of our Association, please send them this application:  2024 FIA Membership Form.pdfrship Form.pdf

Q:  You're riding a horse full speed, there's a giraffe right beside you, and a lion nipping at your heels.  What do you do?

A:  Get off the carousel and sober up!

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Farrier Industry Association

2201 Regency Road  | Suite 704

Lexington, KY 40503

T: (859) 233-7411  

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